Here I am in Tempe, AZ.
The flight here was exhausting but Gizel (Rosalia) made it go by faster by teaching me the card game Phase 10. At first I thoroughly sucked at it but eventually I made the greatest come back in history!
Yesterday was our first day of rehearsal. The show is playing at the Arizona State University Gammage theater. What a difference it was, doing those scenes and songs on a stage instead of a small rehearsal room. Looking out from the stage all I saw were rows and rows of seats and I was reminded of the many times professors told me "don't perform for the just the first row! Your energy and voice needs to reach that back row!" Us newbies were thrown in but I think we did well. The pressure is on but I think we'll all thrive on it.
The best thing about Tempe so far is my room balcony. I spent the afternoon with my feet propped up on the railing and looking out into the distance seeing mountains and the sun setting. Not a bad way to spend my first full day on tour.